Design Review Part 2: Speaker Enclosure

Given all that has been going on, I was hoping to scale my project down to something more manageable that I could complete in the limited time that the wood shop is open. However, as things have appeared to be closing down more and more since Monday, it is no longer be possible to complete my project as I had planned.

While it is unfortunate that I can no longer do the project that I was hoping to do (in large part because I have already bought everything that I need to complete it), it does open up some doors to do some wackier designs in the digital realm. As an alternative to the project had proposed originally, I am going to switch to a digital design a do a series of renders that showcase what the final product would look like. I am also interested in making a series of intricate plan drawings to showcase how the design could come together. My ultimate hope is to do this project over the summer, but now that the time constraints of the semester will no longer matter I can reach a little farther into the realm of wacky designs!

I didn’t want to restart completely, but the path that I was on was not satisfying to do as a digital project alone. Therefore I am looking at nature for a renewed inspiration. I am still going to try and keep the design within the realm of reality and keep the same basic aesthetics of natural wood and exposed speakers that I had previously.

Basically my project is now going to be broken into two general categories: renders and plan drawings. Both of these come from getting a really detailed CAD design done for this project. Unfortunately I am not far enough to get that shown here, but I can show what I have been inspired by:

My first inspiration is from a really unique window in a home. The asymmetry is really interesting and evokes a strong feeling of tranquility for me.


This inspiration lead me to my second one, which is pulled from nature, it is a series of hexagonal columns in Iceland that was somehow formed by nature. I really like how these are both regular and chaotic. This is probably going to be my main inspiration for this new section of the project. I think that it could be really interesting because I could use this type of design to produce art that looks different from different perspectives.


I wish that I had more concrete designs to share with you guys, but at the moment I have a swirl of design options going through my mind that I haven’t been able to get onto paper before another option comes to the forefront. The good news is that I am really close to narrowing in on a final decision!

Also I am going to try and use this change as a learning experience for myself. I have downloaded solidworks visualize so that I can learn it as a totally new rendering software than what I am used to! Thanks guys!




2 Comments. Leave new

  • Hannah Walsh
    May 5, 2020 1:40 pm

    I like these new design ideas much more than your old one. I think going this creative would’ve been really difficult to make the first time around, but since you’re making models and renderings, you’ll be able to work out a lot more kinks before actually making the speakers. I think you’ll be able to get really creative with your aesthetic this way as well. Good luck!

  • I can understand the struggle of not knowing what to do because of the new circumstances in the world. I like the idea of the geometric window. I think it would be interesting to take the pattern of the Icelandic columns and use that as inspiration for the shape of the window. I think doing a CAD rendering would be a good solution as to making the design you want while able to actually make it. A good free option for rendering is fusion 360 it works a lot better than Solidworks or Rhino but you still use the file from Solidworks or Rhino and import it in.

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