Hover Bike – Colin Furze

Colin Furze is one of my favorite YouTube inventors out there. He’s a crazy ex-plumber with some of the weirdest but most well executed projects I’ve ever seen. In this video he creates a hover bike. Colin has a very interesting video style which is a combination of quick-cut manufacturing shots with comedic vlog-esk segments. His videos are wacky to say the least, but they’re all quite entertaining and different from a lot of youtube inventors that I’ve seen.

1 Comment. Leave new

  • Benjamin Robles
    April 3, 2020 12:16 pm

    Hey Davis,

    So I’ve seen this guy’s videos before and the dude is really funny and makes so incredible stuff! I would totally agree that the guy is wack but executes his projects very well. The hover bike is a cool project because who wouldn’t like to ride a hover bike?!

    Ben Robles

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