Build Design Video: Wintergatan Marble Machine X

Note: this video is a playlist series, with over 100 videos!

Wintergatan and Martin Molin are the creators of the widely viral “Marble Machine” instrument, and this series follows the production, manufacturing, and prototyping testing of an improved Marble Machine, Marble Machine X. These design videos uses a variety of beautiful music, shots, and improvised talking to help explain each and every part of the design process.

I hope you find this video interesting!

1 Comment. Leave new

  • Max Armstrong
    May 3, 2020 10:13 am

    This video is super detailed and interesting! I’ve never dove into the construction of these machines before but I do think that they are really interesting. I knew that they were really complicated but I didn’t realize how much engineering went into actually designing them. For some reason I just imagined that people started small and added sections rather than approached them as a whole integrated system first. Also I think that there is totally and aesthetic for the white maker on blue drafting paper. It really channels the mythbusters.

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