Rustic Ocean River Table – Aesthetic Roots

The aesthetic of a river table includes is rustic in nature with the natural/live edge aspect of wood/lumber, combined with a clean, glass like finish from the epoxy.  It is a mix between what nature has to offer combined with what man has to offer.  I have always been very attracted to this idea. Normally my aesthetic isn’t a Rustic one, but I do like that aesthetic a lot.  The main reason I haven’t been that way is because my parents are not that way, and as of now, I cannot afford to buy rustic things to fulfill my liking of the aesthetic.

Within this  rustic river table aesthetic, you can create whatever type of aesthetic you want.  This can depend on the wood you choose, color of epoxy, what types of things you want to include in the creation, and the overall finish.  Many people make their own aesthetic out of this idea by placing objects inside the epoxy.  They create a theme or aesthetic with objects such as sand, flowers, rocks, or even action figures.  The final result has endless combinations.  Id say the river table aesthetic is an aesthetic of its own that can also be changed in order to create any type of aesthetic you might want for a table.  For example some people will place batman figurines and details throughout the table to make it a batman aesthetic.  Others have placed flowers or rocks in the epoxy to have it follow a more traditional aesthetic of looking like a river flowing through the wood.

Black Walnut Turquoise Metallic Epoxy River Table

I want to create an ocean aesthetic with my river table. The reason for this is that I have been around the ocean many times in my life and I love water.  When I saw examples of tables that looked similar to the picture below, it immediately made me want to replicate the ocean aesthetic, and more specifically clear ocean water (similar to that in Cancun). This meant that I want a piece of wood that is dark in the center and lighter towards the outside in order to resemble sand.  Then I want to color the epoxy a turquoise color with some mica pigments in order to represent what ocean waters look like on top of white sands in places such as Cancun.  I will achieve this by tinting the epoxy blue while making sure to leave it translucent.

Epoxy Resin River Tables

I still don’t know what my aesthetics are.  I haven’t had many years to think about it and embody, but I know I will someday.  I think rustic will definitely be a part of that.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • I’ve seen this tables being made in videos on youtube and they are amazing. I think its amazing what people can build with different types of molds and using different colors to make something unique. I dont think you’d have time but adding something like mini trees and shrubs would look really cool

  • Thomas Buckholtz
    April 12, 2020 10:50 am

    These are definitely some of the most beautiful tables I have seen, I am really looking forward to how yours comes out! From what I’ve seen so far from your epoxy samples and build progress I am sure it’ll look just as good. I was interested to see one of the above examples actually have the wood completely submerged in resin. It sounds like you may aim for the same as well since you’d like an ocean aesthetic? From what I remember seeing in your mold it did look like you had distinct pour sections though, so I wasn’t sure if maybe you changed it up a bit, or I just misunderstood it. Do you think you’ll add anything more besides the epoxy and wood to your table?

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