Aesthetic Roots – Modern Hydroponics

My aesthetic roots likely ~stem~ (you’ll get that one later) from my father. My dad has a structural engineering firm that focuses on innovative modern houses. From looking at some of his projects there are a few where you are surprised by the artistic functionality of the piece; such as the glass stairs in the apple store in San Francisco.

I am an engineer first, but I have always enjoyed design. And so I think my aesthetic that I have tried to bring to my project is a functional minimalist modernism. It’s making art from something that is purposeful. There are so many designs to make a bench, but the most functional is not necessarily the most appealing.

Theres a careful balance between functionality and aesthetic that I have always been interested in exploring. For this project, I wanted to take something that was ordinary and not usually visual, like a garden, and make it into a type of art. And so instead of my garden being in a garden bed in my back yard, I want it to be a functional art piece that coexists in my living space.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Hannah Walsh
    May 5, 2020 3:03 pm

    I never knew the name for these, I used to call them “living walls.” I love them because the art is extraordinarily functional – indoor plants are always beautiful to have in your house, and this is a way to have them without taking up space. Also, they add color and liveliness to your walls. I’ve never seen these in houses, only office spaces, but I’m going to take this idea for my future living spaces!

  • I really like this idea of adding an aspect of life into your living space! Fun to see where your ideas come from and how your father’s work has helped inspire the way you think today! Thanks for sharing!

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