Articulating Lamp Final Project

I am constantly finding myself needing more light when I am working on projects in my room. I find myself trying to stand my phone up at weird angles in order to get light at a specific angle. I am thinking of making a desk lamp that can articulate to many different angles. I have seen some of these made online and I think that I will be able to make one using CAD and my 3D printer.

Figure 1: 3D Printed Lamp

Figure 2: Articulating Desk Lamp

I plan on using mostly PLA for the parts except for the parts that will connect to metal bolts and I will use a stronger material such as ABS for those areas. For the electronics I plan on using old parts from a lamp that is in my room with some new wiring that I will be able to solder together. I may sand and paint it after all the parts are made or I might use different colors of plastic to give a more colorful aesthetic. The only parts that I plan on buying for this will be the nuts, bolts and springs that will be needed to keep the lamp in a position one it is set. I may also try to make 3d printed nuts and bolts to try and get as much as I can out of the plastic parts.

I think the most difficult part of this project may be the wiring to do it in such a way that the wires are hidden within the lamp without catching on the moving parts when the position of the lamp is being changed.


Figure 1:

Figure 2:

4 Comments. Leave new

  • Erik Skooglund
    March 9, 2021 12:55 am

    Hey Ryan, I like this project idea a lot! Everyone needs a good rotating lamp. I like the idea of 3D printing as much of the design as possible. This will make it really easy to do some functionality testing before you finalize the design. I am curious to see how the surface finish comes out. Have you thought about what colors you are looking for in the final product?

    • Ryan Cochran
      March 9, 2021 5:35 pm

      Hi Erik, for the finish I am thinking of possibly sanding down the outside to in order for it to be smoother and painting it a variety of colors. I have not yet completely decided on what colors I want to paint it yet or if I will just use a specific color filament and use a clear coat over the whole lamp.

  • Branden Tangney
    March 4, 2021 11:25 am

    Hi Ryan!

    I really like this idea and think I am constantly struggling to find enough light in my room during these remote times. I think 3D printing every component might be very interesting and provide a nice overall finish. It would also save some money and a trip to the store. As for the lamp, have you thought about overall dimensions or what height you want the lamp to be? This might be the next step in your project if you haven’t already thought about it. Also, I agree the wiring will be difficult! I can’t wait to see how this project turns out!

    • Ryan Cochran
      March 9, 2021 5:37 pm

      Hi Brandon, For the overall dimensions I am thinking about a foot and a half tall when fully extended or maybe two feet. I will most likely make it in 6 inch sections that attach together and as I go I will be able to better tell what I would like the overall dimensions to be.

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