Sporty/Casual Person Aesthetic

In terms of my personal aesthetic I think that I the majority of my style is a combination of a sporty and casual aesthetic. In terms of the sporty aesthetic I think that this has a lot to do with my involvement in playing competitive sports throughout high school and college. Due to this I have a large number of jersey that I own and incorporate into my personal aesthetic. Along with this I like the look of active wear and growing up in Boulder I think that it was been very prevalent in the types of clothing I am used to people wearing.

In terms of the casual aspect of my personal aesthetic I think that also has a lot to due with the area that I grew up in. The majority of people I interacted with did not usually wear particularly fancy clothing and I think that incorporated itself into my general style. I tend to wear a lot of fairly straightforward clothing with minimal graphics and softer not as bright colors. I think that I prefer a more subdued type of aesthetic that generally can fit into a large number of scenarios.

In terms of the aesthetic I want to use for my project I plan on using a more bold style aesthetic to try to make my work more engaging. As I discussed in my previous blog I want to incorporate a light verse dark aspect of my project. Within this I think that the high tech matte black aesthetic that we discussed in class will work well into my project. I think that this extra dark black style will contrast well with the dynamic motion and use of lights I am considering incorporating into my project.

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4 Comments. Leave new

  • Ryan Cochran
    March 14, 2021 1:09 pm

    Hey Andrew,

    Your personal aesthetic is very similar to mine being the sporty/casual type. I agree with Brandon that this aesthetic is becoming more and more popular today. I like the matte black high tech aesthetic that you want to incorporate into your project will work well, are you planning on just using a matte black paint or buying some type of vinyl wrap into your project?

    • Andrew Thorson
      March 15, 2021 10:07 am

      I am planning to buy a matte black paint, the main concern is that it won’t look as intended on the material I put it on, but I hope to resolve that through some experimentation.

  • Branden Tangney
    March 10, 2021 1:07 pm

    Hey Andrew!

    I think the sporty/casual aesthetic is becoming more and more common in our everyday lives and can be seen anywhere. You mentioned how most people grew up playing sports and that you played competitive sports both in college and high school which directly correlated to my upbringing. I think when you play sports your entire life the active wear molds into casual wear which is why these aesthetics are so similar. As for your project I think incorporating the light versus dark aspect is very unique and something I am excited to see come to life! When you mentioned the matte black aspect of your project I was curious how you intended to incorporate that and if that material is readily available? Anyway, I like your post as it is so similar to my lifestyle!

    • Andrew Thorson
      March 15, 2021 10:06 am

      The way in which I intend to incorporate the matte black into my project is that I have a special paint that is supposed to be extremely black. I have not tested it out yet though so I am not sure how effective it will be yet.

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