National Forests and Southern Homes

I grew up in the greater Boston area where I fell in love with the dense deciduous forests. Every fall friends and family would flock to New Hampshire and Maine to watch the leaves turn. Sprawling hills with miles of hiking to overlooks of untouched forest. In the winter all the trees become try bare and brittle, and the first frost stops the growth of the forest floor. We would ski whenever we had the chance, and I am sure all of my siblings new the woods of our home mountain like the street we grew up.








Unfortunately, my parents recently moved to Georgia into a neighborhood in east Atlanta. The house, part of my aesthetic inspiration not particularly by my choosing, is new construction and it blends the classic southern homes with some modern elements. White painted brick comprises the basement floor, the siding is white, and the roofing that is comprised of matte black tin and shingles. My father has become an avid kayaker given there are given there no ski areas around and he has purchased a couple of used boats for the family to use. I would like to blend the mentioned aesthetics and design a kayak and canoe rack for my dad.









The structures that I would like to incorporate design elements from are my parents house, a modern wood pergola, a national forest trail map sign, and a kayak rack I found online. For the roofing I would like to keep shingling technique shown in my parents house. I would like to paint the rack to incorporate the white and black contrast of the siding. For the structure of the rack I plan on doing a two post and a roof design found in the trail map sign and the kayak rack design shown below.









Images: [1]


[3,4] Google Streetview



2 Comments. Leave new

  • Hi Peter,

    This is a great idea, it looks challenging and fun to do. Do you have experience with building larger scale objects like this? I know I couldn’t do it alone in a short amount of time. The aesthetic you chose looks challenging but I definitely look forward to what you make with it!

  • Hey Peter,

    I think your idea sounds great! I think building the complete structure is definitely going to be a challenge. Are you planning on having thorough designs before starting construction? Because I feel like having something like a Solidworks design of the whole thing could help refine your final design before construction.

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