Upcycle Final – EDM Ministage

For my Upcycle Project I decided to make something that I miss due to COVID and something I currently enjoy during the pandemic. I decided to make a mini MainStage with a Playstation theme. This is because I miss festivals the most, and gaming has been a huge help during this pandemic as it gives me something to do. I decided to incorporate gaming into the theme of the stage by adding playstation colors all while trying to maintain a raver aesthetic.

source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EDM/comments/b79q5p/ultra_main_stage/     Source: my phone

Above is pictured the ultra music festival main stage and to the right is what I use to play video games. It is important to note that main stages use a lot of screens to put out visuals however due to this project being an Upcycle I did not purchase any screens.

I decided to go after what main stages do well, and that was strobing lights, bright neon colors, and more flashing lights.

For a strobe effect I used an old playstation controller that I took apart, this light would flash on to the background of the cardboard which I needed to add color to still. This was the first time I set up my stage, with the people made of water plastic water bottles and old headphones used as the speaker.

After Adding color, I decided that the MainStage needed more strobing effect so I took an old charger and wrapped it around the stage to make the lighting a little better.

I realize looking back that paint would have been a better option for this project as it would create a more filling effect on the cardboard. However the blue cable seen above is a charger that lights up and overall the project looks neater in the dark. This was my intended effect, main stages in the day look cool, but when it is night that is when they truly show their beauty. To show you how my MainStage looked in the dark here is a short video on it.

Overall I am satisfied with what I was able to create, for future improvements I would consider a functionality aspect such as making the MainStage a phone charging station with the charger I used. It was really fun to see what I can find to fit what I wanted in my project!


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  • Amanda Tetrault
    April 26, 2021 7:51 pm

    I am really impressed with how you truly upcycled materials around you. I agree that using paint would have created a more coherent backdrop, but I really liked how you incorporated the shapes and colors you would normally see on an EDM stage. The charging cord was perfect for adding the light you were wanting and the strobe effect was a great touch. I also liked the added color to your people. You did a great job on your ministage upcycle project.

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