Graphic Pop Art Clock Specs and Constraints

For my project, I am making/remaking a clock while customizing it to graphic art I am interested in. In my process of building it I have come up with a set of goals and constraints which I am likely to come across.


  1. Functionality as a Clock: I need to make sure my final product actually works as a clock mechanically as well as in terms of design and readability. I need to make sure that the hands and numbers and anything else someone might need to read a clock are visible and legible and that what is read is accurate.
  2. Variety in Color: The actual use of color and contrast should be very varied and diverse. I need to use multiple types of art which comes with different color themes and designs, and it all needs to fit the clock.
  3.  Blending of Designs: Since I am using multiple pieces of art with each its own set of colors and design, I need to blend them together in a way to make it look like one seamless art piece. I might need to make my own art to fill in spaces.
  4. Glow in the Dark: I am going to try to make parts of the art and the clock glow in the dark. I at least will make the outline of the clock, the numbers, and the hands made of glow material.
  5. Protective Casing: I need to make sure the clock itself is in a protective bubble or screen which can prolong its usability and prevent it from wear and tear. This will probably be done with plastic, glass, or acrylic.


  1. Limited Print Tech: I don’t have access to any machines which can print on wood or other materials that not paper. So, if I will be adding my own digital art, I need to find a way to replicate it or paint it on
  2. Woodcutting Tech: If I am making my own pieces, I need to find wood pieces that fit with each other already and are cut correctly. I don’t have the means to manually create wood pieces for my clock.
  3. Size: I do have a limit for how big this clock is going to be. I don’t want the dimensions to exceed 1 1/2 ft by 1 1/2 ft.
  4. Clockwork: I need to find machinery that can fit in the back of the frame and won’t stick out as much. Also, it needs to be able to fully fit into the hands on the other side.
  5. Material: I am going to have to use basic material like wood, plastic, and/ or glass.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Bryce Gallo
    May 2, 2021 10:22 pm

    Hi Sidd, I think this clock is a really distinct project, and I’m looking forward to seeing it when it’s done. I was wondering what material you were going to use to make it glow in the dark.

  • This is a really interesting concept! I see that you mentioned you don’t have any wood cutting tech, are on campus spaces an option for you to use? The idea forge has a variety of tools you might be able to use on wood such as saws, drills and files if you are able to get to campus. If not I hope you find what will work material wise because this is a really cool project!

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