Upcycle Progress – Grenade Moth

So far in my project I have created some cad models to try and nail down the general look I’m going for. I still need to do more work on this front before fabrication starts. I have some materials I’m planning on using for the project but nothing set in stone so far. I am going to figure out the ‘final’ design tomorrow or friday and fabricate it over the weekend. I don’t think the fabrication should be incredibly difficult to do, except for one part. I plan on using a manual plasma cutter to cut the metal I have for the wings which may or may not work well. Creating nice organic shapes free hand with a plasma cutter is not the easiest and something I’ve never tried so I’m interested to see how that goes. 

4 Comments. Leave new

  • Bodhin Peterson-Smart
    February 19, 2023 9:11 pm

    I really like this design I think it’s neat. I’m also curious about how you’ll make the grenade since it might be kinda cool to CNC mill a steel grenade and attach it to the stand.

    • Thank you! I would love to CNC the grenade. I however have zero idea how to do that and know I don’t have the ability to learn for this project. Maybe in the future I’ll return to this project and make a cleaner and more professional version utilizing CNC machining and a billet block of aluminum for the grenade.

  • Reed Beidleman
    February 19, 2023 8:37 pm

    This design looks awesome! I would absolutely love to have this on my desk. Very cool you are hand plasma cutting this too I’ve always wanted to try that. Are you acquiring the grenade from an army surplus store? How are you planning on attaching the wings to the grenade? Can’t wait to see how this turns out.

    • Thanks! I have bought a decommissioned grenade from a army surplus store. I’m going to attach the wings to the grenade with tack welds. It won’t look great but that kind of goes with the aesthetic. I also can barely weld so tack welding works for well for my skills.

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