Upcycling Progress Report – Succulent Garden

As elaborated in my previous post, I am creating a succulent garden centered around upcycled music equipment and accessories and displaying a 70s aesthetic. After experimenting with molding records, I realized that full 12″ EP/LPs would be too large to comfortably fit inside any hole I could bore in the fretboard. I reached out to friends and stopped by my local record store to collect damaged 45rpm records, which are typically 7″ in diameter. I also spent a lot of time speaking with different machinists and workshop employees at the ITLL and Idea Forge to determine how I may be able to cut through the guitar neck, as it is a composite of steel and maple wood. They offered some helpful advice which I am eager to implement when I begin construction.

I also determined more particular measurements for the lengths of each section and determined what size holes would need to be drilled for the guitar string supports. My next steps will be to create a mold for the records and begin experimenting with different forms that might fit my design aesthetic, as well as drilling the string support holes and separating the neck into three portions using a series of bandsaws. I will also need to remove some of the frets, for which I’ve developed a technique involving water, a rag, tape, and a soldering iron. Now that all of my materials are secured, I am excited to continue the process of constructing my artifact!

1 Comment. Leave new

  • Palmer Dick-Montez
    February 16, 2023 9:28 pm

    Hi Nate, it seems like you’ve made really good progress on your project! I think that your use of both records and a fretboard is very interesting and I am excited to see how it comes together! Do you plan to leave any of the frets attached to act as an accent to the fretboard and the vinyl? Do you have any plans for the succulents that you will use in your project? I think that the contrast between the maple and the plastic of the vinyl will make for a great project and I am excited to see what it looks like when it is finished.

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