Blog Post 2: Upcycling Project Aesthetic

What is your upcycling aesthetic and why?

For my upcycling project, I will be created a miniature model of an Earthship home. This type of home combines Santa Fe style architecture with the use of sustainable materials and infrastructure. I am choosing this design aesthetic because of my fascination with the concept and for the challenge of upcycling materials I already have around the house or in the recycling bin to complete this project. For this project, I will be utilizing oven bake and air dry clay, glass bottles, recycled materials, and paint. The windows and solar panels will be made from recycled, clear plastic.

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1 Comment. Leave new

  • Michael Dailey
    February 20, 2023 2:15 am

    I think it’s interesting that you’re using architecture as a reference for your project. I also like that you’re going along with how Earthship homes are environmentally friendly and you’re making one in an upcycling project. I’m curious if you’re planning on making an exact model of one, or if you’re going to make it unique to your style. I really like the aesthetic and I’m excited to see how it turns out.

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