Upcycled Wine Bottles

For my Upcycle project, I decided to make a collection of items with rustic aesthetics out of wine bottles. This aesthetic I was trying to achieve feeds off the scored and broken glass edges of the glass cut and the natural tones of the bottle colors. The final products can be seen in the two images above and the image of the clear wine glass below.

Earth Tone Colour Palette for Procreate - Etsy

Figure 1 – Earth Tones

Candle Wine Bottle | Upcycled Candles | Personal Wine

Figure 2 -Wine Bottle Candle Example

I decided to look into glass cutting to achieve my vision of an upcycled wine bottle collection. After researching, all the cautions told me to be careful as glass is brittle with sharp edges, so I purchased a glass-cutting kit from amazon that included special gloves and a pencil to score the glass before plunging it under hot and cold water.

But I first had to remove the labels from the bottles, which I accomplished by using hot water, baking soda, and a credit card, as seen above. Now that the glass was clean, I could start with my first idea: to cut the bottom off a bottle with a bulge and cut the neck off the same bottle. As seen above, I had a few mishaps with my scoring; hot and cold water poured, resulting in cracks forming and shattering the bottle.

From there, I could sand the edges, so there were no sharp areas and glue the neck of the bottle to the bulge of the bottom to create a wine glass. After letting the super glue cure for a day, I tested the cups for leaks and used them the next day with my roommates. Now they both sit in my cabinet, waiting to be used.







I wanted to experiment with painting on the bottle for my next piece. My thought was to create a piece of artwork that resembles an actual label. For this piece of art, I decided to do my rendition of Starry Night by one of my favorite artists, Vincent Van Gogh. I started by taping out a rectangle and painting it with white. Then I painted the background blue and started with detailed work of the clouds. Moon starts, and the tree.

From there, I could add some mess-ups or artistic liberties and peel off the tape to get the final project. I thoroughly enjoyed the process of experimentation and testing while I found the extent of what I could do with glass. Overall, I believe the painting turned out quite well as it is a functional collection of wine glasses with a piece of art. I’m excited to further test and create more interesting pieces out of glass.


Presentation Video:

5 Comments. Leave new

  • Abigail Schefer
    March 21, 2023 9:30 pm

    I really like how you documented the challenges you had throughout the process! It says a lot about how you applied your lessons learned to the final product.

  • Maddie O'Brien
    February 26, 2023 9:48 pm

    This is a cool project! Way to stick with it through the mishaps. Painting on glass is a really good idea, and it turned out great! Do you plan on making more glasses in the future?

    • Hi Maddie, thanks for the comment! I was thrilled after I peeled off the bottle’s tape and saw the straight lines with no bleed. I think I’ll make a couple more bottles for a more extensive set, but I need to find some cool bottles to make them out of. During my critique presentation, it was brought up that I should use an alternative method of melding the two pieces together rather than superglue since superglue might not be food safe. So I think I’ll look into maybe epoxy or glass blowing.

  • Hi Hayden,
    I really enjoyed watching your progress throughout this project and learning experience. Your idea was great and practical to turn recyclables into useable glasses and artistic pieces. Through this you learned a valuable skill of being able to work with an abundant resource like glass which may prove to come in handy down the road. If your engineering degree and computer science minor end up not working out, I’m sure the wine glass industry will welcome you with open arms.

    • Hi Ben, thanks for the comment! I’m really glad that I learned how to work with glass and see what it is capable of. It wouldn’t be a bad gig working in the glass industry, haha. Just look at Chihuly. Your Tensegrity table came out so cool!

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