Main Project Aesthetics: Plans and Alternatives : Minimalist and Vintage Hourglass


I originally was deciding between a watch winder and an hourglass for my Main Project. I have decided to pursue the hourglass. I intended to make the hourglass with a modern aesthetic to it. After sketching a minimalistic and vintage hour glass, I’m really liking these as well.

The minimalistic hour glass would be primarily 3D printed using ONYX material. I have worked in a 3D printing lab in the past and I love the finish to this material. I think it would be super cool to have a simple rectangle shape with 4 supports. In the middle is a simple glass feature with white sand. This would be a sleek design and I think it would look great.

On the other hand, the vintage hourglass also really stands out to me. The rectangle and supports would be made out of a nice wood finish. In the center I think yellow sand would look better for the vintage aesthetic, as yellow sand feels “older” to me than white sand. It would also match the wood better. The supports also remind me of vintage furniture, with lots of ovals and circle sticking out.

Overall, I think I will scratch the modern idea and go with one of the ones I sketched above.

3 Comments. Leave new

  • Shrey Naresh Solanki
    March 18, 2023 6:26 pm

    The use of ONYX material for the minimalistic design is a great idea, and the wood finish is ideal for the vintage design. Using yellow sand for the vintage hourglass is a nice touch that gives it a “older” look. I believe either design will look fantastic, and I can’t wait to see the final product!

  • Michael Dailey
    March 12, 2023 11:56 pm

    I think this is a great idea. I think hourglasses have quite a strong aesthetic even standing alone. I am curious how you plan on doing the glass and sand portions. If you’re buying the glass piece and sand, how would you get the sand into the glass? Either way, I’m sure you’ll figure it out and I’m excited to see it.

  • Aidan Shelburne
    March 11, 2023 3:58 pm

    Super cool, thanks for sharing this with it, looking forward to seeing more! Are you intending to fabricate the glass shape as well or is that something you can purchase and add to the frame you’ll be building? Just asking because my understanding is that the tolerance on the glass aperture is quite small to get the desired duration for an hourglass.

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