Alternative Aesthetics: Art Deco and Industrialism

The structure I’m creating for my final design isn’t necessarily greatly affected by a shift in aesthetic. For reference, I’m creating a hanging screen installation for visuals I create.  The aesthetic I’ve chosen is minimalism and I plan to continue with that design choice despite this week’s exploration exercise. 

That being said, I’ve really enjoyed re-designing my project in two new styles. The aesthetics I settled on exploring were art deco and industrialism. I felt that both these choices could create a unique design and are both suited to pieces that are larger in size.

I was inspired to explore art deco because the 1920s always makes me think of classic cinema. Since I’m designing a viewing screen essentially, I imagined Hollywood. Gold and velvet colors and the fine interior details of old time theaters. I mimicked art deco patterns in my design. This essentially serves as decoration that would be used for the screen. I also re-imagined the dynamic aspect of my project. I included an idea sketch of a curtain that can be opened and closed with a simple pulley system.

Art Deco Design Overview

Art Deco – Decorative Designs

Potential Pulley System

The other aesthetic I explored was industrialism. This wasn’t rooted in any particular thought. I had briefly thought of Oakley’s headquarters in California and how that, almost tacky, form of industrialism could be interesting for a visual display. Additionally, I thought about the warehouse art scene like the meatpacking district in New York. Mostly though, I felt that industrialism could be achievable. This structure would be slightly modified. Rather than hanging, it would be stationary on the ground. I made this design choice because I felt sheet metal would be pushing the weight bearing limits of the hook system I’ve already devised. This design was fun to imagine but in practice would be difficult for me to create. I have no welding experience and I’m not sure how I would go about attaching the screen.

Industrialism Front View

Alternate Views

3 Comments. Leave new

  • Abigail Schefer
    March 21, 2023 9:26 pm

    I like how your design is so versatile and can be adapted to any aesthetic. If you decided to go with one of your alternatives, which one would you choose?

  • Grant Barnes
    March 20, 2023 2:00 am

    I really like how you translated the Art Deco aesthetic to match your project by incorporating the aspects of a theater or concert hall that matches the aesthetic of that time period. I also like how you connect the industrial aesthetic to the meat packing district in New York. I have a good understanding of how you were imagining each of these aesthetic choices and I look forward to seeing how you implement minimalism into your final project.

  • Alexander Hernacki
    March 19, 2023 3:07 pm

    I appreciate your recognition that it is possible with your project to apply a variety of aesthetics without compromise in your function. I’m curious, after this exploration do you plan to shift your aesthetic or stick with your initial plan?

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Alternative Aesthetics
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