I will be creating a skateboard mold, press, and deck for my final project. The press and mold are used to create a skateboard deck.
1. My number one specification is to have the veneer in my deck adhered together tightly. This is accomplished by creating a accurate mold. If the top and bottom peices of my mold do not fit together like a hand in a glove then there will be areas of uneven pressure as the deck and mold are squeezed in the press.
2. The deck must have a 13.875″ wheelbase. I plan on making a relatively wide board to be used for street skating. Wider boards are generally harder to flip and rotate. To combat this effect, I’ve cut the wheelbase of my mold 1/8″ shorter than the plans. This will decrease the Inertia about the Z axis, allowing rotations and flicks to be accomplished easier.
3. The deck must be constructed using quality veneer. In order to maintain a snappy pop over time, the deck needs to be made with quality hardwood.
4. In addition to quality veneer, the glue used must be resilient, waterproof and highly adhesive. I will be using Tightbond III.
- There must be no more than 1/8″ gap between the top and bottom peices of the mold. This will ensure a tight fit in the press.
- The press and mold must be constructed and assembled so that they are rigid and reusable.
- The grain of the veneer must be arranged in contrasting directions. This variability in grain direction adds strength to the deck.
4. The threaded rods which hold together the press must be long enough to fit the mold inside.
5. Any knots present in the veneer may not be used as the top or bottom sheet. This will promote a clean aesthetic and increase strength.
4 Comments. Leave new
This a really cool idea, I have seen how they make boards on an industrial level but it never occurred to me that this could be something someone could do at home. Are you planning on making a traditional shape/style board or do something a little more exotic?
Yo, I made a few boards a while ago, I have a vacuum bag I can lend you if you wanna go another way. Vacuum method means you only have to make one side of the mold. You can also make the mold out of foam instead of wood, way easier to shape. Lmk if you wanna borrow it, it’ll cut your work down a lot for the same result.
This seem like a very cool idea. I never thought there was a set way on how the grains of the veneers must go but it does make sense now seeing the image you added.
This is a really great idea, thanks for sharing it with us and I can’t wait to see it come together! Did you have to model the board press profile from the ground up or are there resources on the dimensions that a standardized board press needs to have?