Specifications and Constraints: Organic shaped manual press

Top 5 Specifications:

1- The mechanism of the press will consist of one lever connected to a gear which will drive a geared rod.

2- The body will be designed to withstand a force of 1500N using cast iron.

3- The pressing rod will have a minimum travel of 150 mm.

4- The base of the press have to permit the pressed part to have as much room as possible to move and be oriented in different ways.

5 – The mechanism of the press have to be able to be disasembled for maintenance or change broken parts.

Top 5 Constraints:

1- As I am not available to make it of cast Iron I will 3D print it, and maybe I will consider printing it at little scale to save printing time.

2- Although generative design has a lot of possibilites, I have to keep in mind that it has to be casted in a sand mould, so not every geometry might be castable.

3- 3D printers availability, I hope some 3D printing machine is available to print my parts and I can finish the project on time.

4- 3D printers are not magical: I might be able to cast some geometry but not be able to 3D print it, so I will have to keep this in mind.

5- As the gear and the rod will also be made of 3D printing, I will have to be careful what technique I use to be able to have good teeth in both.

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5 Specifications and 5 Constraints

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Connor Jameson
    April 2, 2023 6:43 pm

    I like the concept behind this project. I like how you’re considering using a mix of parts that are 3D printed as well as pieces that are cast. I’m very curious to see if this design is able to reach your specification of 1500 newtons.

  • This is a super interesting, and useful, project. Have you considered using topology optimization to create a semi-organic design, while still maintaining the rigid strength needed. I like the option of 3D printing as well. It could be interesting to make the 3D printed design as a lost-PLA type of mold for the cast iron final project.


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