Five Specification and Constraints

(Original link attached to the image)

Five Specification

  1. Using the Arduino IDE to program the light effect
  2. Aesthetically appealing with the consistency of design style
  3. The material should be able to let a certain amount of light pass through in the dark
  4. The power method should be batteries
  5. The stand of the night light should stay small enough to be set by my bed 

I have already written and uploaded the code for the breathing effects of the RGB LED, like the video shows, the light itself works well. Maybe I’ll make some minor changes to the color light and the delay time to make it more delicate. As for the shape which the light will project to the ceiling, I’m still in the shape designing status of this part.

Five constraints

  1. Limited time
  2. Limited cost
  3. Laser cutter with appropriate cardboard, wood, or acrylic
  4. Not familiar with Rhino, especially for engraving during the laser cutting process
  5. Need material tests for the appropriate amount of light to pass through, then create the projection on the ceiling

First of all, I got only 3 weeks for the projects to be finished. I will use all the materials at hand in my place and the BTU lab. Right now I got some Arduino boards and a starter kit in my place, and I can find some acrylic boards, cardboard, and wood in the BTU lab. The most challenging part will be creating the model in a Rhino file for laser cutting.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Holly Young
    April 4, 2023 1:03 pm

    Hi Andrea,

    That’s awesome you’re so far into your project and using your coding/electrical skills for this. I also like that you’re using light to be the interactive part of your project. I think that’s a unique take on the requirement.

    • Chin-Hsuan(Andrea) Wang
      April 4, 2023 11:15 pm

      Thanks for the comment!
      Although still a beginner in Arduino and IoT projects, it’s really fun! I really enjoy the process!

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