Design preview of Organic manual press

As stated in other posts my main project consists in designing and building a manual press with organic shapes. By now I have designed the CAD model without the generative part done. That is due to the fact that my laptop is not powerful enough for handling such a topology optimization, so I will use the University ones that migh be more powerful. At the moment, as I haven’t been able to finish the CAD I haven’t started building or protoryping anything.

One I finish de CAD design I will proceed to 3D print it, it is likely I use PLA because is cheap and abundant but I am not sure yet. After I have printed all the parts maybe I consider post processing them or directly assembling them to finish the build of the project.

Here is the timeline of the project:

2 Comments. Leave new

  • This is an awesome idea, and I bet the final product is going to look amazing. Using organic and flow-like geometry for something robust like a manual press is a very cool idea, and I can’t wait to see how it turns out! Where will you be putting your project once it’s finished? What materials are you going to press with it?

  • The study of topology is a very interesting incorporation into this process, and will definitely help your project to differentiate itself. I also love the juxtaposition of machining tools, which do not typically feature organic forms and flowing curves, and natural organic shapes. I would be interested to see how material properties and strength capabilities compare for your materials and design. I am excited to see where you go with this!

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Design Preview – Desk Drawer