I’ve been thinking about buying a truck and building a camping set up for it for a number of years. I finally bought a Toyota Tacoma about a month ago, which really got me thinking about the specs for the camping set up. I want to be able to use it year round, but I really want to use it for skiing. I started the project by making a CAD model of the truck based on dimensions I found on tacomaworld.com. [1]

Originally I had planned on building two drawers and a separate area for skis. One drawer would be a dedicated “kitchen” and would be based on the dimensions of my camping stove. However once I modeled this out I realized that the other drawer would be really small and I would only have room for one pair of skis. Because of this I decided that it would be a better use of space to just build two drawers. With a basic idea of what to do I turned to the internet to see what other people have done. I found some “K.A.M.P drawers” built by Sam Chou that were a much more polished version of what I had initially envisioned. [2] I ended up being heavily inspired by these drawers.
Functionally I really just wanted to have a place where I could discretely sleep on ski trips. It was important to me to have enough space for 3-4 pairs of skis, as well as a dedicated cooking set up. Aesthetically I aimed for a clean simple look, perhaps with a utilitarian influence. Part of a clean aesthetic will require building something that will still look clean and be resistant to dirt since camping is inherently dirty.

I actually completed this project for the most part during spring break. Structurally and functionally I’m ready to go camping. At this point I have two drawers and a box that houses the drawers and acts as a sleeping platform. I also painted the box and added carpet to the top to protect against splinters. Eventually I will likely finish the insides of the drawers and possibly add dividers, but I want to use the set up a few times to figure out exactly where I want things. Also, one of the drawers has some play that I need to fix. Finally, I attached the drawer latches with screws, but they’re not quite strong enough so I want to replace the screws with bolts.

[1] https://www.tacomaworld.com/threads/2nd-3rd-gen-detailed-6ft-bed-dimensions.646199/
[2] https://www.kampdrawers.com/
4 Comments. Leave new
I think what you have already looks pretty good. I like how you used this assignment for something functional. Have you tried sleeping on it yet? Looking forward to see the finished product.
Thanks! I haven’t slept on it yet, but I’m hoping to this weekend!
This is such an awesome idea. I love how functional it is and I’m jealous that you won’t have to deal with the mess that is known to skiers as i70. I also like that there isn’t a ceiling for this project. You can constantly keep improving it.
Thank you! The i70 mess was definitely an inspiration. I’m definitely super excited to see how it evolves and is improved as I use it more.