Final Report Part 1

Above you can see my product as it stands. This is only a prototype at the moment to see how much I like it. I am considering doing a redesign since the product feels a little simplistic. I am thinking about styling the product more like a car differential in the future and will have updated schematics in my next post. I am still debating whether I would like to paint it but beside that the device is fully functional and accomplishes its job. I originally wanted to add protrusions that would be able to hold my watches in place, however, I really like the device as a desk toy and decided to leave them out so I can put all of my clutter on top. There are a few changes that I would like to make in the future as a lot of the parts did not print as well as I would like. Lots of the components came out too big since the luzbots don’t have a very good tolerance range. I used a dremel tool to sand down the components that were too big but it ruined the finish on them. I am going to go back and scale some of the components and reprint them while I still have access to the printers.

I created my own handle for the design that works very well. It can be a little wonky by I wanted to make something that is very easy to print. Once again the cavity that I made came out poorly because of the printers here so I am going try to reprint it. I resized the cavity to be a lot larger so there will be no way that it comes out too small. I plan on gluing all of the components together so if its a little over sized it shouldn’t matter.

4 Comments. Leave new

  • Alexandr Vassilyev
    April 30, 2023 11:40 pm

    Hi Jose, I enjoyed reading your post and seeing your progress. I think the surface finish and color look great from what I can see in the photos, but adding adding a little customization to it via painting it might be interesting.

  • Connor Jameson
    April 30, 2023 9:55 pm

    I like how you used helical gears rather than spur gears. I think it adds more to the finished product because they aren’t seen as often here at CU. I think the purple looks good without any type of paint finish.

  • Heider Iacometti
    April 30, 2023 8:37 pm

    The purple adds an interesting color, and I like it. The only reason I’d paint it is to add extra detail more than to simply change the color. I also really like that top portion, it looks like it’s a nice simple umbrella on top of the rest of the piece.

  • Truth be told, I like the purple, I think you should keep it. Are you eventually going to make something to hold the watches or is it just going to be a desk trinket? Either way I’m impressed with the intricacy of the prints and gears that you printed.

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