For this project, I plan to upcycle a square 1’x1′ mirror from goodwill. Time and materials permitting, I might also include some mirrored acrylic that I got from the Colorado Plastics remnants sale. The plan is to frame the mirror(s) by inlaying them in a large piece of wood. In addition to the frame I want to include a shelf for candles so that the mirror illuminates more space when they are lit. I was inspired to do this project by a mirror frame with a  shelf that I found from the Arc thrift store a couple years back.

To me, the hand wood work, the mirror, the use with candles, all align with a fairy-tale/medieval aesthetic. This aesthetic is often characterized by woodwork, cottages/cabins, forestry, and a bit of whimsy or mystery.

To further enforce this abidance, I plan to shape the back frame into a smooth regal silhouette, and wood burn doodles of woodland critters into the frame. Because the mirror I reclaimed is so large and the fact that I have additional mirrored acrylic, I want to make this shelved frame wider than it is tall, to compliment the one that inspired me.

5 Comments. Leave new

  • […] Upcycle Aesthetic – Fairy Tale […]

  • This sounds like a very involved woodworking project, I like the idea of upcycling a mirror by combining it with a shelf so that the artefact can have two functions. Are you planning on treating the wood in any way to fit the Fairytale aesthetic? Will it match the one you were inspired by? Also, I am curious what sort of items you are planning on putting on the mirror – shelf when it is finished.

    • Alex, thank you for your question. Yes, I plan on giving this piece a dark stain, similar to the one that inspired me. I want to put candles on this shelf, again similar to the one I already have.

  • Riley, really interesting idea. I think this is a situation where the aesthetic and the materials you’ve chosen fit really well together; there does seem to something inherently magical about mirrors, and I’m excited to see you lean into that. I would like to hear a bit more about the tools you plan on using, especially for the wood burning: is that something you have experience doing?

    • Sean, thank you for your question. I have wood burned a few objects but nothing on this scale that I am planning. The wood burning kit I have access to now seems like it is meant for beginners and sometimes doesn’t give the effect I want. So handling the unintended marks will be interesting ono this one. I also want to experiment this time with the effect of burns before and after staining the piece.

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