Main Project Aesthetics: Plans and Alternatives

For my final project, I am documenting the creation of my custom trials, bicycle frame. I plan on making the bike frame out of steel and having the frame be fairly similar to other frames on the market with some exceptions to the geometry to make it feel bigger for myself, and for it to be more similar to what I’m used to writing. I have known for a while that the frame will be made out of steel because that is what I am most comfortable welding at the moment. Therefore, I have taken inspiration from other steal Trials bicycle frames on the market.
TMS Street Trials Frame (1)
I have found that their simplicity and the fact that some of them maintain their raw steel color and show the heat affected zones of the welds fit well into an industrial aesthetic. The industrial aesthetic focuses on raw metal materials, and simplicity of manufacturing, which is what I am striving to do in this project.
Industrial Frame
With this in mind, I have also considered some different aesthetics. First, I thought it would be interesting to do a more organic frame. I have seen before that some bike frame manufacturers will make frames out of bamboo and join them together using carbon fiber, lugs I think this would be an interesting challenge, and it would certainly look unique by following an organic aesthetic for this project.
EcoCross Hybrid Bamboo Bike Frame
Bamboo Bike Frame (2)
Organic Bamboo Bike Frame
Furthermore, I think that it would be interesting to make a more minimalist bike frame. I think that this could be done using carbon fiber as a material because it reduces the amount of tubing and welding that is needed for a bike frame. Therefore you can make smoother and simpler curves for the frame, and in my mind, you could even eliminate voids in the frame altogether. There are a number of different frames that spring to mind when I think of this design. In particular, Monty, a Spanish Trials bike company was one of the first to make a carbon fiber trials frame, and it was essentially made out of one large carbon fiber member. I took this as inspiration for my minimalist design.
Monty M5 OS 2016 Carbon 20''
Monty M5 Carbon (3)
Minimalist Carbon Frame
Ultimately, an industrial approach will be the most practical for my project, and it will be the most useful, considering that I will be using steel tubing and that I will be welding myself. I think that this aesthetic also plays into the fact that this will be a hand-built frame, and I want to showcase that by leaving the frame in its natural state with raw steel coloring and a clear coat finish. I am not sure how I will accomplish the clear coat on the frame. I am considering powder-coating it or finding a clear coat of paint to finish it off. Whatever it may be, I am looking forward to seeing how the frame will turn out and to see if I will be happy with the appearance of my welds.

4 Comments. Leave new

  • I am a fan of the industrial aesthetic bike rack, but I agree that it would be difficult to manufacture something like that out of metal. I also like all of you sketches, it looks like you put in a lot of effort to communicate your design intent with these. Have you considered the strengths of the materials you are working with, and are you worried about the wooden structure potentially failing if the design isn’t strong enough?

    • Hi Alex, I have considered that. Thankfully, my bikes are fairly light, nothing over 35 pounds, so it shouldn’t be too much of a concern and I do plan to reinforce the upper rack.

  • Noah Howell
    March 6, 2024 1:05 pm

    Great final project idea, I like that you’ve decided to integrate a work stand into this for function in addition to the aesthetic. No matter which direction you decide to go with your aesthetic, I think you have a great idea in mind and a good plan to execute this. I’m partial to the organic aesthetic you suggest because I think that road bikes have a kind of organic look to them, with ergonomic grips and curves, and this could amplify the looks of your stand in comparison. Overall great ideas here, I look forward to seeing your project progress,

    • Thanks, Noah! I appreciate your feedback. Unfortunately, I am not a big road cyclist so I don’t have too many bikes that would blend in with the organic aesthetic quite as nicely. I appreciate the insight and it was an interesting comparison that I hadn’t thought of before.

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Main Project Aesthetics: Plans and Alternatives – Max Palish
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Main Project Aesthetics – Organic Modern Alternatives