Infinity Mirror – Specifications and Constraints

To recap my project, I am making an infinity mirror with an LED strip in the middle as well as a Newton’s Cradle. I’d like to start with a quick update on my project. I have redesigned my frame that will be 3D printed to adhere to a 8”x8” mirror. Here is my current CAD model vs my old model. I believe that this will be easier to manufacture as well as more structurally stable. The new version is on the left, and the old is on the right.

Top 5 Specifications:

  1. My number one priority is matching the Abstract Tech aesthetic. This is dependent on making a functional infinity mirror. If my mirror is blurry, non transparent, or does not reflect in an ‘infinity’ pattern, this project will be unsuccessful.
  2. I need my Newton’s Cradle to be functional in the center of the mirror. This will be a focal point of the project and plays into the Abstract element of my chosen aesthetic.
  3. I would like my LED’s to be able to change colors based on user input. This will make the piece a more functional desk ornament. This is also key in hitting the dynamic portion of the project. 
  4. On the less important side, I’d prefer if the mirrors could easily slide in and out of the 3D printed frame. This will add functionality for the user, in the ability to flip the mirror around and use it as a regular mirror instead of an “infinity mirror” decoration.
  5. Lastly, one specification I’d like to hit is the overall cleanliness of the project, with no loose wires and visible cheap materials. This will be done by creating a flawless design with ways of hiding the electronics. The LED strip will ideally be remote-controlled.


Top 5 Constraints:

  1. The top constraint I am concerned about is having a functional Newton’s Cradle in the center of the piece. I have heard from classmates that creating these on one’s own is very difficult. Even if I am designing around it. They are extremely precise and hard to make perfect.
  2. Another important constraint is the actual capability of 3D printing my frame. This may be something that I will need to revise my design around once again. One constraint is how tall I am able to print, as well as how precise I am able to make my slots for my mirrors. This is something I plan on talking to Pat from the Idea Forge about very soon.
  3. It may prove difficult to achieve the structural integrity of the frame that I intend. This is due to the fact that I would like the frames holding up each mirror to be fairly thin, in order to not get in the way of looking into the patterns/”infinity” look. 
  4. I am also concerned that my infinity mirror will lack clarity/ be foggy and not as transparent as I would like it to be. I can help mitigate this by buying nice one-way film, as well as repeatedly testing the distances between mirrors and settling on a certain distance that provides the most clarity in my mirror.
  5. Lastly, I may also be a bit constrained by price. I would like to keep this project under 50$ in total, and I am already at about 20$, and I still have to buy film, a Newton’s Cradle, as well as glass/acrylic for the front mirror.


Below is a photo of the desired “Infinity Effect” I hope to achieve.

Artist: techydiy on YouTube


2 Comments. Leave new

  • Efrosini Krokos
    April 8, 2024 11:43 am

    I’m excited to see what the cradle will look like with the mirrors. Would it be functional? This is a really cool idea, what materials do you plan to use?

  • Colton Huff
    April 7, 2024 4:06 pm

    Hey Jason,
    This project looks so cool!!! I can’t wait to see the integration of Newton’s cradle into an already visually fascinating piece! What print material are you planning on using? This could easily help you with the spec 5 points even if it costs a bit more! Cannot wait to see the final product!

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