Post 10: Progress on Kinetic Sculpture

In the weeks since my design Preview I have redesigned my project into a model swing set. As you may know my original inspiration was from Kyle’s Kinetics and I wanted to do a project similar to his work.  In my original vision I was going to create a rocket and moon kinetic sculpture, in which I would create out of steel and weld together to create an artifact similar to Kyles work.

My original Design:

As I begun to work on this project I ran into several roadblocks that jeopardized my ability to finish this project.  I do not have a lot of experience with welding and I was hoping to use the Idea Forge Welding shop to work on my project.  However, with all of the senior design projects I was unable to secure enough time for me to be able to go in and actually work on my project.  With this I decided to pivot my focus and design a new artifact, that will still be dynamic but will be 3D printed. I have more experience with 3D printing and there is more availability for using 3D printers on campus so I am confident I will be able to complete the project.

Although, I had to change my original design I am still excited for the artifact that I will be creating.  I would like to think of this 3D printed version as a stepping stone such that in the future I will be able to recreate my project and make it out of steel as I originally Imiagined.

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Progress: Raspberry Jam

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Nick,
    Sounds like you made the right call by switching materials. Did you consider any other materials? I bet this project would look pretty sweet if made from laser cut wood.

  • Nick, looks like your project will accomplish the same goals even though it will be 3D printed now. Are you planning on painting it or giving it some sort of finish? It may look cool to spray paint it with some metallic paint to replicate the original metal construction.


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