Bird House Progress

For my project, I will be building a bird house in a suburban style. The bird house will have a moving front door, and a back panel that can be opened as well, so that the user can reach in and remove any nests at the end of the season. Additionally, I have decided to put fabric over the window so that light can still shine into the bird house, without there being a large hole where other unwanted animals could come in. In terms of the aesthetic style, I decided that I wanted to design the bird house like a suburban home, with a white picket fence and green walls, and a brown roof. I think a suburban bird house will look cute, and will look great in my parents back yard.

This week, I cut out all of the pieces for the bird house, except for the fence. I did most of my work with my dad’s miter saw, but also used his table saw for the roof, and his jigsaw for the front door and window. Unfortunately, I was working in the shop alone and forgot to take pictures for the first day of manufacturing, so I do not have any pictures of me using the miter saw. Below are pictures of me using the table saw and jigsaw.

This week made me realize that this project will take longer than expected, especially since my dad’s shop is over an hour away. For that reason, I will need to step up my manufacturing schedule over the next week in order to finish by Wednesday. I still need to construct the fence, which I will be making out of a wooden dowel and a thin strip of wood for the railing. Additionally, I will need to glue and nail together all of the components, before painting the bird house. I have all of the components that I will need to build this bird house, so all that is left is manufacturing. My hope is that I can quickly accomplish this task on Saturday. However, I’ve built in some time Monday evening in case I am unable to get everything done by then.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Efrosini Krokos
    May 7, 2024 7:59 pm

    It’s coming along great and the resources seem easier to get than most. Will you be adding any designs to the exterior of the bird house?

  • Nicholas Gotlib
    May 5, 2024 6:48 pm

    Hi Dylan, I like your project so far and I think it will turn out super great. What color are you planning to pain the house in?

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