Nicholas Gotlib Portfolio

Throughout this class I’ve had the opportunity to really work on design choices understanding design principles. This was the first time I’ve been in a class where there are minimal guidelines for project and majority of the work you do is self-motivated and inspired. This honestly provided to be more challenging than a class where there are very specific directions as the project ideas must be totally unique but also tangible to create.

Starting with the first upcycle project ( I really struggled to find inspiration for something to upcycle. First, I wanted to build a lamp, I then started looking into sewing custom bags out of old jackets, but ultimately I didn’t think I had the bandwidth to complete such a involved project. I went around to a bunch of second hand stores seeking inspiration but nothing really clicked for me. This was until I found an old tripod and realized I have been pretty unhappy with my current bedside table. So after another round of looking at random stuff I found a awesome vintage made in USA tripod and decided that would be a perfect candidate to make a simple table, that still looks purposeful. This project taught me a lot about the ideation process and how to seek inspiration when you have no idea what to do. I felt like I was able to successfully build something that was not only functional but also had a cool aesthetic without being overly complicated.

These lessons were carried over to the final dynamic project ( Once again constrained by time and money I thought about ways to make my existing items I own aesthetic. That when I decided to convert my CD player to a transparent enclosure to make it more visually appealing as opposed to just a plain black box. Inspired by my previous project I really put an emphasis on simplicity in design. I feel like with 90% of design less is more and it lets the form speak for itself. I think i was able to successfully encapsulate the CD player in a simple design that does not detract from the device but provides every day appliance a new, unique look.

Overall, I’m really proud of what I made. Despite the simplicity of both projects, they manage to incorporate a unique aesthetic while also being incredibly functional. I think what I found most enjoyable about this process was taking these conventional designs and adding something that makes them standout but not in a in your face type of way but much more subtle. I’ve had people compliment my bedside table and then get completely shocked when I tell them its just an old tri pod with some coated plywood. But that’s the cool part of design, its unexpected and unique.