Bottle Cap End Table


Collection of Bottle Caps


When looking at what I wanted to do for my upcycling project I kept getting drawn towards doing something with bottle caps. My roommates and I have a tendency to keep the bottle caps when drinking beer with the intent of eventually doing something with all of them and this was the perfect excuse to finally do something. I also knew that I wanted to do a piece of furniture for my apartment. I had a couple of ideas as to what I wanted to build but nothing set in stone.

It was with this in mind that I set out to the thrift stores and ReSource to find some inspiration. The intent was to find some kind of furniture-like object to either use as part of the project or to take ideas from an object I saw for a project I could recreate. While searching I found and old outdoor plant holder as seen in the picture below.



Old Outdoor Plant Holder


It definitely needs a paint job and some small structural fixes, but was the perfect height for an end table to the couches in my apartment. It was from this object that my final idea was formed. While looking through a thrift store I also found a mirror with a cool frame laying over it. This was a perfect vessel to hold bottle cap as well as functioning as a top for the table. I took some of the bottle caps I had and glued them on the new table top to make a cool pattern as seen below.



Table Top in Progress


Finally, I found some scrap acrylic from Mcguckins that will work perfectly for a flat surface to cover the bottle caps.

I still have some work to do before this project is complete. The stand itself still needs to be painted and fixed up. I also still need to figure out how I am going to attach the acrylic to the table top and how to attach the table top to the stand, but overall I am pretty happy with the results so far and excited to see it completed.

5 Comments. Leave new

  • […] Bottle Cap End Table […]

  • The bottle caps are cool! It all looks very organized and well put together. How are you planning to attach the acrylic to the top?

  • I’m also wondering if acrylic is robust enough for a table top.

  • Thomas Brunsgaard
    January 26, 2016 10:46 pm

    I also collect bottle caps for some strange reason, so this is a project that I think would be really fun to do! It is a great way to make a useful piece of furniture, and take advantage of the unique and colorful logos that are already on bottle caps. The mirror that you managed to find it perfect, as it inherently already acts as a spacer for the caps and glass. The piece of acrylic that you found started me thinking on other ways that you could make the table top. The bar tops in the Dark Horse restaurant in boulder used some sort of leveling epoxy that they poured over different trinkets. This would create a really resilient surface while still allowing you too see the caps. As a side note, if you need any more bottle caps, you are welcome to mine!

  • Thomas Brunsgaard
    January 26, 2016 8:45 pm

    I also collect bottle caps for some strange reason, so this is a project that I think would be really fun to do! It is a great way to make a useful piece of furniture, and take advantage of the unique and colorful logos that are already on bottle caps. The mirror that you managed to find it perfect, as it inherently already acts as a spacer for the caps and glass. The piece of acrylic that you found started me thinking on other ways that you could make the table top. The bar tops in the Dark Horse restaurant in boulder used some sort of leveling epoxy that they poured over different trinkets. This would create a really resilient surface while still allowing you too see the caps. I am thinking about something like this: or . As a side note, if you need any more bottle caps, you are welcome to have some of mine!

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