Sami Maierhofer – Arrow Shaft Artwork

For my final project in this class I created a piece of art using old arrow shaft lit with LEDs. These arrow shafts were cut to different lengths giving the viewer a dynamic experience with the piece when viewed from different angles. Final Presentation: Table of Contents: Molecular Gastronomy Bottle Cap End Table Bottle Cap…

Sami’s Final Report Part 2

When I first started this project I had a very strong idea of what experience I wanted the viewer to have. Throughout the process of creating this piece of art, the actual design has changed multiple times, but the original intent has always stayed the same. When I set out on the project I had…

Sami’s Final Report Part 1

Project Background For my final project I knew that I wanted to do something with arrows. I learned how to shoot a bow with my grandfather when I was a child, and since then archery has become a favorite pastime of mine. For the upcycling project I considered using some old broken arrows as a…

Sami’s Update 4/13

This week I finally saw my project start to come together with the LEDs. Unfortunately, cutting and rebuilding the LED strip ended up being a lot more tedious than I initially anticipated as the solder did not want to cooperate and there was a lot more soldering that needed to be done that I initially…

Sami’s Project Update 3/30

Spring Break ended up going pretty well for my project as the piece continues to come together. I had previously prototyped out a template for my acrylic out of foam core and started to play around with the LED strip to see if I had gotten the spacing correct. The results can be seen below.…

Sami’s Main Project Design Report

Inspiration (Taken from previous post) For my final project I knew that I wanted to do something with arrows. I learned how to shoot a bow with my grandfather when I was a child, and since then archery has become a favorite pastime of mine. For the upcycling project I considered using some old broken…

Sami’s Main Project Inspiration

For my final project I knew that I wanted to do something with arrows. I learned how to shoot a bow with my grandfather when I was a child, and since then archery has become a favorite pastime of mine. For the upcycling project I considered using some old broken arrows as a material, but…

Sami Maierhofer’s Skill Set

I have had a variety of experience that have given me a lot of hands on experience that I can help contribute to the team. As a mechanical engineer I have had quite a bit of practice in SolidWorks, Autodesk Inventor, and designing pieces for manufacturing. Through my job I have also become proficient in…

Bottle Cap End Table

Collection of Bottle Caps   When looking at what I wanted to do for my upcycling project I kept getting drawn towards doing something with bottle caps. My roommates and I have a tendency to keep the bottle caps when drinking beer with the intent of eventually doing something with all of them and this…

Molecular Gastronomy   Molecular gastronomy is defined as a type of food science that utilizes physical and chemical transformations of ingredients to create meals and drinks that are shown in a new light. While the art form first started out as a food science, it has slowly grown into an aesthetic in design as the focused…