Chris Coffman Skill Set

Over the past few years I have actually developed a different skill set than most engineering majors.  I added the business minor during my sophomore year, so I was introduced to the principles of accounting and finance at a pretty thorough level.  I studied financial accounting (vs. managerial accounting) which taught me how to organize a companies’ finances for presentation to stakeholders.  I also studied finance which taught me how to evaluate the time value of money given variables such as initial investment, inflation, and rate of return.  Although I haven’t gotten a tremendous amount of use from this knowledge so far, I see it being quite useful once I enter the workforce next year.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Joseph Yoshimura
    February 14, 2016 7:00 pm

    I like that you took a completely different approach with your skill sets so you are more well-rounded than many of us! Did you have to do a business proposal project for your business minor? If so, how did that go? I wish that I had taken a similar approach to college. If I have any financial questions, I will make sure to ask you about them!

  • Wow! That’s pretty cool and unique for a mechanical engineer! I’ll let you know if I need some help with budgeting or anything for my project.

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