Skill Set

I’m a senior Mechanical Engineer with completed coursework in the major. As such I have lots of design experience and can help with working through ideas especially with logistics and execution. I started as an accounting major and have taken a lot economics classes so if that’s necessary I could help. I’m a proficient welder and have basic machining skills. I own a DSLR camera and love riding bikes so am mechanically inclined to those things.

3 Comments. Leave new

  • […] Andre Szlendak Skill Set […]

  • Chris made a good point about economics courses being applicable to engineering projects. If you agree, what were some of the most interesting things you learned from them?

  • Christopher Coffman
    February 14, 2016 9:35 pm

    I didn’t know you started out as an accounting major. I can definitely see why you switched. I am in the business minor and had to take an accounting class two semesters ago. It is pretty much the most boring, dry subject I could ever think of pursuing as a career. Economics is much more interesting and applicable to engineering projects.

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