Project Inspiration

I am not totally sure what I am going to do for my final project. However, my main idea at this point is to create a light fixture for my final project. My main inspiration is a fixture that I made in the past using a lot of LEDS and an arduino to control them. I would like to iterate on this design that I already have worked with previously. There are several things that I would like to change about the existing fixture. Previously, it took me a long time to learn the technical skills to build the fixture. I had to learn how to use arduino to control a large amount of LEDS (~80). Never having used Arduino for anything this did take a a while. Therefore, I did not focus too much on the aesthetics of the actual piece. I saved that portion for the end, and did not plan it out at all.

Now that I have the knowledge of LEDS and arduino, I can focus more on the aesthetics of the piece. I am planning to start from the very beginning, so this project will still take a considerable amount of time to complete over the next month or so. I want to create something that incorporates LEDS with drapping fabric. I really like to sew, so I want to piece together fabric and LEDS to make a soft lighting fixture for a bedroom or living room. I am still deciding how to incorporate a dynamic aspect. Maybe the fabric in the fixture will be able to sway somehow or the LEDS flicker.

There is always the possibility that I will go in a completely different direction as I continue to design and brainstorm over the next couple days.

4 Comments. Leave new

  • Andre Szlendak
    May 2, 2016 6:38 pm

    I appreciate still having uncertainty about what you will be doing for your project but knowing the aspect that you would like to apply. Kind of like a design board where you add stuff that you like to it. Knowing now what you ended up doing, I think you did a fabulous job incorporating pieces that you like and using tools that you had at your disposal.

  • Joseph Yoshimura
    March 6, 2016 10:59 pm

    During your presentation you mentioned that you had worked on a project similar to this in the past. Was it for your freshman projects class or another class? I really like that you are taking something you’ve worked on in the past and are improving it. Improving on your own design can be difficult, but it will most likely lead to a very well-crafted project due to the multiple iterations.

  • Meridith Richter
    February 29, 2016 2:23 pm

    I think the idea of making a soft-structured light feature sounds really awesome – especially with fabric you could definitely make the piece interactive or dynamic. If you used some flex sensors, or even made your own sensors out of conductive fabric, you could really utilize the motion of the fabric as people walk by and have that be the determining force behind the LEDs and their response.

  • I really like your honesty of your ideas for your final project and that you are willing to work hard to achieve your goal of working with arduino and multiple LED lights. I may also be working on a project using multiple lights and perhaps an arduino. It would be awesome to get different help from each other. I can’t wait to see where our inspirations take you!

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