Design constraints

Like any project there are significant design constraints that I will have to overcome to achieve my goals with the project and succeed and making something functional and aesthetically pleasing.

1.) Manufacturing: Since a lot of this is still new, the manufacturing will probably be a lot of trial and error and experimentation. I have aimed to remedy these problems like metal movement during welding, cut tolerances, and angle measurements by designing large and working small. With my design the tolerances starts on the outside so it can be cut down later.
2.) Aesthetics: like before with this being a first attempt, some of the work might not have the finest craftsmanship of a 20 year builder, but that’s part of the process I’m excited about and a step toward where I want to be is just practice. In the meantime I’ll use diligence and foresight.
3.) Function: this comes down to the sturdiness of the frame. Part of me suspects it won’t be strong enough to actually be ridden with confidence, but I will use some testing to more comfortably get an idea of the mechanical limits.
4.) Ending: like with a lot of projects so open, there’s always a struggle to decide when is the end point. There’s always one more thing to add or change, but there need’s to be a point when it’s “good enough”. In this case I think that will be when it’s functional and aesthetically pleasing.
5.) Documentation: because this is a learning process, the primary objective is to get experience that will be useful later with other projects. As such it’s important to document different points along the way.

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  • […] Design constraints […]

  • Matthew Sturm
    March 11, 2016 1:57 am

    This should be a fun project, especially since you are so passionate about biking!
    Here are two questions about scheduling:
    What is the testing that you are thinking of? Will you need special equipment on-campus?
    Where do you plan on doing your manufacturing? If it will be on campus, I would definitely recommend getting started as soon as possible because of the end-of-semester crazyiness that will happen due to first-year projects, senior design, and component design at a minimum.

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