Anfal’s 4/6/16 post


So I honestly didn’t have much time this week to progress much. However, I got some advice from teammates in regards to the battery problems, I think I will get red of the resistor (even though I wanted them for designing purposes) in order to save current and thus the batteries, given the big numbers of LEDs I want to use, by using voltage regulators.

As for the design itself, I want to  have a Piet Mondrian dress that I’ll adjust for my dress since it’s more of an A-line dress not sheath.254db064fce96477d297dd94c3e29da6


1 Comment. Leave new

  • Hi Anfal,
    You may find it helpful to design your circuit using Fritzing ( The program allows you layout the electronic components. I think it may have a simulation component too that would allow you to verify your design calculations. I totally understand being busy! It’s crunch time until the end of the semester

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