I haven’t had much time to work on my project this week. I spent a few hours getting the inside of the LCD portion shaped and symmetrical. I lasercutted an acrylic piece to fit inside. Once I fill in the gaps I will spray paint some primer or possibly leave it as it is to give it that cartoon look.

I also laser cut some acrylic pieces that holds the two LCDs together. I don’t think I will have time to do any further programming.


3 Comments. Leave new

  • Brandon Boiko
    April 20, 2016 11:01 pm

    I’m liking your design so far, I think you made some real good progress. I think you can still do some work to really capture that boarder lands aesthetic. Spray paint would help a lot to get those really vibrant colors, and you can tape over the corners to get the dark boarders to make it more shell shaded. This may be a personal preference, but I think I would like it better in a darker color. Try to capture one of the brands in the borderlands universe. You can even print out a logo and stick it on the top. Looking great so far, can’t wait to see the finished product.

  • Ashley Zimmerer
    April 18, 2016 2:04 pm

    Looking good! Is it heavy? The red streaks on it are interesting. Are they left over from sanding?

  • It’s seems pretty good to me. What kind of cartoon are you going to apply? It is not easy that you finish this project with the work load you got in your senior design class. Good luck!

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