Design Loop: Nail and Thread Art

I do not come from an engineering background or area of study, so a design loop is kind of new to me. I do almost all of my creative work digitally through programs like Photoshop and Illustrator. So when I envision something I want to create, I kind of just jump in after some brainstorming. Doing digital work makes it really easy to just experiment and then undo anything I don’t like, so I’ve never had a process like this before because I never felt like there was really a need for it. Doing work with real objects though, is not as forgiving as the Adobe Illustrator eraser button.

For my up cycling project, the biggest area that needs planning is just the actual design that I will choose to create. I needed to decide how elaborate of a design I wanted to try to make. After that, the hammering of the nails into the wood and the threading around the nails is pretty straight forward. Therefore, my design loop process is also pretty straight forward and easy to follow.


2 Comments. Leave new

  • Olivia Watkins
    February 9, 2017 6:58 pm

    Its great that I am not the only non-engineer in the class ! It does seem though that your process is pretty close to traditional design processes so you already are on the right track ! I think when you are thinking through what design you want to make it might be better to pick a genre or aesthetic first and then find the design. Plus as I am sure you know pintrest is always a girls best friend while looking for inspiration !

  • Siddharth Nigam
    February 8, 2017 9:20 pm

    Indeed the real work design is not as forgiving as the eraser button, but it seems like you have a good grasp on your process. I can’t wait to see the final result!

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