Design Loop: Beer Bottles to Usable Glasses

For my upcycling process I am working on making reusable glasses and shot glasses from beer bottles. The design process that I have been in has been a circle. I started with an idea, and from the idea, I designed an aesthetic that I thought would be exciting for a beer bottle glass. Then after my design, I have begun to build the glasses. I have ran into some issues, one being cutting glass precisely is difficult in some respects. I have come full circle several times by completing the glass design, and then hitting the drawing board once again to figure out a better design for the aesthetic I am trying to accomplish.


Image was collected from the following website:

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Seeing these in person on Monday was really cool. If you do wind up iterating through your loop again by Friday I would be excited to see what the new glasses look like.

  • Benjamin Fried
    February 9, 2017 9:38 am

    This is a cool idea, and a great way to recycle objects that would otherwise just get thrown away or recycled. I have seen a special tool that is used to cut glass in a circular manner, and then sand down the edges so they are not sharp.

    You should look into that and see what other uses there are for this? When you were brainstorming, were there any other ideas you had about upcycling glass?

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