Skill Sets & Personal Aspirations

Being both in the ME program as well as the TAM program here at CU, I have acquired a very strange combination of skills ranging from technical/analytical skills associated with engineering to skills in the arts with TAM.

In the very beginning of this class, we were asked what we would identify as. Despite having gone through five years of mechanical engineering, I was somewhat surprised that I would still identify myself as an artist. I guess that’s where my true passion lies– hence the combination of ME and TAM.

Of course, from a technical standpoint, I possess most the skills ME students d0– from 3D modeling, to machining on the mill and lathe, welding, etc, etc. With the ME degree, I’ve also acquired many analytical skills through the various coursework we have gone through. I think what sets me apart are actually my artistic skills and that’s why I primarily define myself as an artist or a creative.

With the TAM minor, I have web development skills (HTML/CSS/JavaScript), graphic design skills (mostly Adobe programs like Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop and AfterEffects) and 3D modeling with Rhino, which differs from SW in that it’s primarily a rendering program more than anything.

Personally, I also bring skills in photography and music. I’ve been a photographer for many years and I’ve sung and played music for as long as I can remember. Although possessing a variety of skills may cause mediocrity, I strongly believe that exposing oneself to many different areas of expertise brings so many different perspectives into everything we do. With regards to product design and industrial design, which are my career aspirations, different perspectives are essential to the design process.

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  • Kira Sadighi
    March 1, 2017 9:56 pm

    Hi Sara, it’s cool to learn that you have web development skills, I think that’s really unique. it’s interesting how you said that you were surprised that you’d define yourself as an artist first. It;s crazy how writing things down can reveal the truth, even to ourselves. Maybe you can use more of your artistic side than your engineering side for the final project. Maybe it’ll be more fun that way, and give you chance to really mix the two. It’s a chance we don’t usually get in classes.

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Skill Set and Personal Aspirations