Skill Sets and Aspirations: Katie Yarnell

My skill set is similar to most pursuing an mechanical engineering degree. I’m proficient in SolidWorks. I have some experience in woodworking. I like being creative, usually regarding arts and crafts. I am happy to learn new things and I am a pretty quick learner. I have experience in material science from an internship last summer.

My aspirations are more broad, I am not sure exactly what career I want to go into. I do, however, know that I want to do something that I enjoy and that helps people/animals. I would like to have a job where I have an opportunity to be creative.

3 Comments. Leave new

  • Faisal Al Balushi
    March 1, 2017 11:50 am

    I agree with the above two comments that we all pursuit something that we enjoy and feel happy about doing. Whats good about mechanical eng is that it gives a lot of opportunities for you to pick and choose among a lot of options for your career. The skill set you have is similar to me as a ME which can help us come up with a brilliant main project. cheers

  • I think it’s admirable that you plan to pick a profession that you like and that makes a difference. Why get stuck doing something you don’t like after years of working hard in school? The cool thing about a mechanical engineering degree is that you can do whatever you want when you finally have it.

  • Emma Hammerton
    February 26, 2017 5:19 pm

    I think all of us sort of feel like there are a few too many opportunities in this field for us to just pick one. I admire that you recognize your desire to help others and are passionate about pursuing it. There are so many different ways you can be a part of the solution, especially in engineering! I think your evident artsy-side builds on the compassion that you feel. I hope you find something that makes you truly happy!

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Skill Sets and Aspirations-Creativity and Engineering Knowledge!