Top 5 Constraints

My project is to make a pendant like the one in the movie The Illusionist. The top constraints that I will need to overcome to complete this project are as follows:

  1. Because this isn’t my only class and the project I’ve picked is a lot of work, one big constraint I will need to consider is time. I will have to be efficient with my time in order to complete the project.
  2. Another constraint is achieving the aesthetic that I want, which is for the project to look similar to the original item I’m getting my inspiration from. I also want this to be something I am proud of and will actually wear.
  3. I have little experience using the laser cutter which is something that this project will require heavily. So this inexperience will be a constraint.
  4. The schedule is another constraint, with the prototype do on Monday and the fast paced schedule. I will have to be careful and make continuous progress to keep on track.
  5. The last large constraint I will be facing is inexperience in woodworking with small piece. This pendant should pretty small and building such small complex parts will be difficult.