Design Review – Lamp

For this project i intend to make a lamp out of wood and stainless steel. I would like to get a stainless steel sheet or tube to manufacture this out of. This will be the inside structure of the lamp. For the prototype i have a utensil holder which demonstrates how the inner structure will look with a perforated surface.

For the outer structure i would like to get a thin sheet of wood where i will cut the appropriate perforations in to to offset with the perforations in the steel. This wood would then be soaked in water until it is saturated and can be bent into the appropriate radius. I am hoping to find a soft wood to be able to do this. from here i will hopefully fasten the joint with some nice fixtures.

The moving component of this design will be the wood outer shade moving in a circle around the inner metal to change the amount of light which comes out of the lamp. I would like to incorporate a track for this to move on but perhaps a metal base with a lip to contain the outer and inner structures and they will just rotate on the base. This part is the  most subject to change in the design.


The following are inspirations for the design.


all photos from

8 Comments. Leave new

  • This sounds like it’ll look great when it’s complete. I like the fact that you are bending soaked wood to contour to the shape, and that it’ll create a more natural look. Will you be using a CFL bulb or LEDs? There are a lot of LEDs that have remote controls and can change color. That might be cool for an ambiance light that could add to the aesthetics. The turning outer piece to control the dimness is a great idea, giving it more function without messing with the electronics.

  • Tyler Lefholz
    March 20, 2017 1:59 pm

    Very cool idea combining this aesthetic with commonly usable functionality. I think utilizing pre-slotted steel for the design will save a lot of time and give the artifact a more uniform pattern.

  • Alexander Thompson
    March 15, 2017 12:36 pm

    I love your project idea! I like that you’re going to make a product that means something to you based on the need for a lamp on your bedside table. The aesthetic that you’re thinking of going for is awesome too, going for a more natural spin on the simple industrial look. My only suggestion would be to build the outer piece with a few different types of wood and designs to cater to the aesthetic you’re going for. Either way, fantastic job making a prototype as a visual. I can’t wait to see where you go with the final product. Good luck!

  • Great looking design, I like the wood and stainless steel combination.
    I agree with using LED for lighting, it would be less hot and probably make the wood structure last longer too.

  • Alexander Lien
    March 15, 2017 12:23 pm

    This lamp looks sick. Its a really practical idea. I think the way that you are blending the modern aesthetic provided by the metal with the natural aesthetic provided by the wood is really cool. I am interested to see how different slots affect the type of lighting your lamp provides.

  • Matthew Clark
    March 15, 2017 12:22 pm

    Nice idea, and this will be a great addition to your room. I really like the idea of having the outer wood shell rotate around the stainless steel cylinder to control the amount of light shining through. What type/size of wood are you going to use for the final project? Overall, nice work and im interested to see how it turns out!

  • Preston Marcoux
    March 15, 2017 12:22 pm

    I think you have a really cool design, if you end up doing a wood idea, I would agree that bending it doesn’t seem like the best idea. But honestly it would look sweet if it worked. I think you have a really cool idea, it might be a little simple but it looks like it will be a lot of work. I think you have a really cool project ahead of you though!

  • Hunter Miller
    March 15, 2017 12:20 pm

    Seems like a very cool design! I like the slot idea for adjusting the amount of brightness for the user. I would definitely use something like this. Seems like a very simplistic design. I think if you can get the slotted stainless steel then manufacturing this should be pretty easy but if you have to slot the stainless steel yourself then you might have some work to do!

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