20th Century Design Influence

I would say my project has more of a theme than an aesthetic. My backgammon board is made of wood and I am decorating it with natural elements and giving it a “log cabin” feel. But if I wasn’t making something for all those hipster flannel loving lumbersexuals I would be making my game out of metal. Metal would give the whole thing a new direction and would change the aesthetic. I would probably have picked something very futuristic with a focus on the geometric nature of a game board. I would do this with minimalistic colours and shapes. If I had decided to 3D print my gameboard I would have done so in white. Then painted it with bright neon colours and maybe add some simple lights to give it an arcade aesthetic which would sort of be a fun play on the whole analogue vs. digital game idea.

Examples of alternative aesthetics :

Metal/ geometric



Neon/ arcade
