Project aesthetics compared to 20th Century design movements (2017): Chess Board

For my current design, I plan on using a “contemporary Asian” aesthetic, which involves a lot of nice stained wood, with a hint of contrasting bamboo colored wood.  I’ve started to notice that the shape of this aesthetic is very “sharp”, and does not have a lot of rounded edges.  Corners are squared off, and the rectangular shape seems to be most dominant.

In exploring other aesthetics, I wanted to find a few that were totally different than the current, anticipated design, and so I found the following:

  1. Radical design
  2. Streamlining
  3. High Tech/Matte

I considered the “organic design” aesthetic, but decided that it was too similar to contemporary Asian, sharing the woodgrain and elegant feel.


Below are various sketches that I believe portray various aesthetics of my design.


  1. Radical Design/Funky


These images above have a funky feel to them, feature bright and unique colors, and have non-traditional pieces to go along with them.  This is an interesting aesthetic.  My takeaway is that I can try using different (non-traditional) colors of wood, and maybe even stain them to achieve a custom color.


  1. The second aesthetic is streamlining.  For a 2d object that is mostly stationary, this may be challenging.  I want to acheive a rounded shape, similar to that of this aircraft and of an airfoil.  I can visualize everything having an airfoil on it.

A common theme here is that most of these pieces and boards are rounded and look sleek.  This isn’t exactly a look I want to achieve on my aesthetic.

  1. High Tech/Matte

For this last aesthetic, I found high tech/fancy marble/shiny items.


The common theme with all of these is that they are very shiny and glossy.  My takeaway for my project is that I should have a little bit of shine to my parts, but nothing outrageous.


These crazy aesthetics are not exactly what I want to turn my project into, but here are the takeaways that I may be able to apply to my project to create a unique look and feel:


  • Using different (non-traditional) colors of wood, and maybe even stain them to achieve a custom color.
  • I should have a little bit of shine to my parts, but nothing outrageous.



2 Comments. Leave new

  • Avery Anderson
    March 22, 2017 9:21 pm

    The radical design and the high tech aesthetics actually look awesome. Your project has a sort of versatility that other projects don’t, so you have a lot of potential aesthetics to choose from. I think you should pick the radical design and have some sharp, contrasting colors for each side, but that’s just my opinion. Awesome job!

  • I actually really like the radical/funky design in this. It is very fun and crazy, and it will add a lot of color to the chess board, which can often be very boring looking. I think you could do this aesthetic and add lots of cool designs to each piece. I also like the matte look, its a lot more sharp and classy looking. If you do this look, you should get a matte paint that dries in that texture. Would look super cool.

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