Construction Timeline

In order to complete my project by April 17th (I think that’s the due date) I will need to do some light machining.

4/7: Obtain all final parts. The only parts I still need are a bolt and bearing from home depot. which shouldn’t take me more than a few days.

4/12: Cut all pieces to size including the bearing press fit into the triangular wooden piece. This should take about 4 hours of time in the woodshop

4/14: Put nails into the edges of the wood cutout and mount onto my wall. I can let it sit over the weekend to make sure all pieces are holding together.

By following this timeline, which is by no means unrealistic, i should be prepared to present on the first day of sub group meetings.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Seems like a reasonable timeline. A visual could be very helpful, something like a gantt chart that shows the critical path and other driving tasks.

    Also, how much slack do you have for each task? Have you accounted for the fact that you have not built one of these before?

  • Tori Herfert
    April 4, 2017 1:19 pm

    This is a good timeline and it seems like you will be done in time to have time to go over and make sure the project is all good before running out of time. I think you could even have enough time to make more than one of these if you think it could be useful! Will you need to use the makers space at all to do this? You should definitely check that out as a resource! good job.

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Construction Timeline: Tori Herfert