Construction Timeline

In the final few weeks there isn’t too much to do. On my timeline is final testing/prototyping, the final construction of my parts, then the customization of my parts. Final prototyping will be completed over this weekend and final construction should be completed by next weekend. After that I will be just about ready for presentations.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • I like the visual you’ve created. It helps to see each task that needs to be done. It also sounds like you have been prototyping often, which is great to avoid last minute work. Having extra time in your schedule is always important, and it sounds like you have created extra time for yourself.

    Do you have any testing scheduled?

  • Alexander Lien
    April 5, 2017 6:42 pm

    This timeline looks well done. You leave yourself plenty of time for each phase. I wonder why you do testing before you build the actual project?

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