Shipping Pallet Garden: Final Stretch Progress

Currently, I am a little behind schedule but not by much. As of today, I have finalized the design, purchased and stained all the lumber, and built all 6 flower boxes. Below are three sketches: the first displays the overall design, and the other two, on the piece of wood, included calculations and the exact dimensions of lumber and parts needed.  The overall design is a meant to lean against a wall, with the bases of the boxes parallel with the floor. The angle between the ladder-like garden and the floor is no greater than 70 degrees, and the distance from the wall to the base of the garden is 1.5 ft.

Sketch of overall design
Sketch for Home Depot
Sketch for Home Depot









The following photo shows all the purchased lumber from Home Depot sitting in my living room. The employee that helped me at Home Depot wouldn’t let me leave without buying material for supports, hence the reason for soooooo much lumber.

All the purchased lumber


Staining all the wood took much longer than expected: probably a total of 4.5 hours, which was 2x greater than expected. Regardless, the color turned out really well!! It is a mix of mostly Ipswich Pine 221 and a little bit of Honey 222, stains from Minwax Wood Finish Penetrating Stain.

Staining lumber
Stained short beams









Once all the stain dried, I applied the chalkboard paint to six planks, which would be used the front of the plant boxes. The right most photo, shows one box, but all six have been constructed.

Set up for chalkboard paint
Front planks with chalkboard paint & box
Difference between stained wood & lumber








More updates to come! 🙂

2 Comments. Leave new

  • It looks good so far! The project is called a “shipping pallet” garden, would it not follow the aesthetic more closely if the wood was left unstained and even a bit rough? This seems to be how most shipping pallets are, and my bring out the aesthetic more.

  • Dean Alibrandi
    April 19, 2017 1:25 pm

    Wow Sofi your project looks great so far! I love the stain you chose and really like the idea of using chalkboard paint so that way you can write on each of the different planter boxes. Looks great cant wait to see the final product!

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