Main Project Report: Part 2

First I will answer the question why? 

Why did I pick a jewelry box?

With mother’s day coming up so quickly, I wanted to have something I could give my mom. She always liked it when I made her things myself, so I figured this the perfect opportunity to make something for her that I could give her on Mother’s day. Once I knew it was going to be a gift for my mom, I just had to think of what might I make her? She often time is losing her jewelry, and does not have a nice place to keep any of it, which probably plays a part in her constant state of searching.

Image result for mothers day ideas

Once I knew I wanted to make a jewelry box, I had to ask myself the next question:

What aesthetic would my jewelry box have?

I knew right away I wanted this box to have an antique feel, to go along with the antique character of my mom’s room. Sharp corners and a couple golden colored metal pieces for the corner’s of the box were a perfect addition to give off the feel I was hoping to achieve.

I am aware that wood type is not an aesthetic, but I did choose the walnut specifically because of the unusually number of walnut pieces in my mother’s home. Along with the recent addition of a new walnut dining room table, my mother has a number of walnut pieces, and I figured I would keep this trend going by making the wood out of walnut. This did end up leading to a couple difficulties while the production of the box was underway, but the wood did end up exactly as I was hoping.

I also wanted to make the box easy to use so I went with a slight overhang of the lid to allow for ease of access into the box. I also sanded down the corner of the lid so that there is not sharp corner when lifting the lid. I was very satisfied with the lid and how smooth it felt operating it. Displaying WIN_20170503_11_26_55_Pro.jpg

So now all that’s left is answering the question:

Whats next?

I was not all that happy with the final product of my box, I felt as though I could have done a better job during the manufacturing phase had I had more experience. I do want to give my mom a jewelry box so I do plan on building another box to give her while I still have the chance. This next box should turn out much better now that I have a good idea of how to build it.



1 Comment. Leave new

  • Dean Alibrandi
    May 10, 2017 2:34 pm

    Jimmy, while your box may not have turned out exactly how you wanted it too, there is still a ton of room for improvement. Usually when you do something you have never done the second time, it usually turns out much better than the first. Consider it as a test run and a large scale prototype. I liked your choice of wood specifically for its color. It works very well and looks appropriate for a high fashion jewelry box. Maybe consider staining it to give a nice shiny finish that will really bring out the patterns in the wood. Good job !

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