“Going outside is highly overrated.”
― Ernest Cline, Ready Player One
Much of design is about conveying a message. As technology advances and the world becomes ever more accepting of tools to visualize object and events using computers it is important to value the aesthetics of simulations.
“the reaction-diffusion growth pattern used here is computed with python using the Gray-Scott model, and exported as an image sequence. The image sequence is then applied as a displacement texture. The statue model is a 3d scan of Aphrodite, from here.”
What is real and what is artificial? In the age of information it is imperative to make a distinction between animation and simulation. Describing the physical phenomena of an event using mathematical models is defined as simulation. While animations are artistic interpretations, sometimes of physical events, using computer graphics techniques.
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This is a really cool concept that I never thought about as an aesthetic. I follow @wannerstedt on instagram and he has a similar aesthetic to the post that you shared here. I like that the simulation takes the classical element of Aphrodite and puts it in a modern setting with the stark white background. I would love to see some other examples of this simulated aesthetic and learn more about the history of how and when it began.