Upcycle Progress: Silverware Holder

Cutlery holder by Bianca Barreto and Sueli Pacci [1]

For my upcycle project, it took me a while to decide what I am going to design. I am interested and focused on making something out of the stuff I have in my kitchen since I find cooking as a hobby and having an organized kitchen is important to me. I started to look up some upcycle ideas and the image above was my inspiration for this project, since I think it will add a beautiful touch to my kitchen. Moreover, it will allow easy access to forks and knives for my friends who keep asking me where to find those in the kitchen.

Having that said, I decided to use an old cutting board along with aluminum cans to hold the silverware that I have. Unlike the image above, my design will consist of two cans only and it will be hung on the wall of the kitchen instead.

The image above shows the sketches of the idea that I have. Initially, I was not planning to hang the cutting board, but its small thickness and rounded edges might prevent the design from standing on the table. Thus, I decided to use the handle as hanger.

I chose grey to be the color of my cutting board, and I started applying the first layer of the paint. In addition, the backside had some scratches and cuts, so I used a sandpaper to make the surface as smooth as possible before painting it.

I am planning to use soda cans as the holders for the cutlery, and I will paint them using a white metal spray paint. Additionally, I will laser cut (or possibly 3D print) a fork and a knife shapes to use them as labels on the cans.

[1] http://www.madamecriativa.com.br/blog/porta-talheres-com-ala-feito-com-latas-madeira-e-couro

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